* Cleanzine-logo-8a.jpgCleanzine: your weekly cleaning and hygiene industry newsletter 10th November 2022 Issue no. 1040

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International News

ISSA Charities going for record-breaking GivingTuesday

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ISSA Charities, the charitable arm of ISSA, is gearing up to break donation records for this year's GivingTuesday campaign. GivingTuesday contributions will provide financial assistance to ISSA Charities' three signature programs: Cleaning for a Reason, ISSA Hygieia Network, and ISSA Scholars.

ISSA Show North America 2022 sees strong increase in attendance

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The ISSA Show North America 2022 welcomed more than 11,000 cleaning industry professionals to McCormick Place in Chicago, a 10% increase over last year's event in Las Vegas.

Hand drying is crucial but the options on offer are failing us

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Writes Dr Salomé Giao, lead scientist at Dyson:

Every year, Global Handwashing Day champions and campaigns for the critical importance of regular hand washing with soap. The message is a simple one: hand washing can help prevent disease transmission.

NFSI hosts international symposium on slip, trip, and fall prevention

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The National Floor Safety Institute will host its second International Symposium on Slip, Trip and Fall Prevention on September 25th - 26th, 2023, at the Hurst Convention Center in Hurst, Texas.

Commercial scrubbers and sweepers - global outlook & forecast 2022-2027

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The 441-page 'Commercial Scrubbers and Sweepers - Global Outlook & Forecast 2022-2027 report, recently added to ResearchAndMarkets.com's offering, finds that futuristic inventions in mainstream robotics and other complementary technologies will likely boost investor confidence in the market and thereby increase funding.

ACI strengthens meetings and communications teams

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The American Cleaning Institute, the trade association for the cleaning products supply chain, has announced the appointment of Catherine Anderson as meetings and convention coordinator and Natalie D'Apolito as communications and outreach coordinator.

ISSA Show North America celebrates Innovation Awards winners

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The ISSA Show North America Innovation Awards program recognises the latest advancements in the commercial, institutional and residential cleaning industry, so the winners of the 2022 Awards, announced at the Show last week, have something to celebrate.

Organisations honoured at ISSA Sustainability Recognition ceremony

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Several ISSA member organisations were awarded annual Green2Sustainable Recognition Plaques at the recent ISSA Show, having ably demonstrated their commitment to sustainability.

Cleaning software providers from Belgium and the Netherlands join forces

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Buttons For Cleaners, a market leader in software for cleaning companies in Belgium, and FacilityApps, a market leader in apps for cleaners in the Netherlands, are becoming one company. The management of Buttons For Cleaners will transfer the managerial responsibility in a gradual step-by-step approach to the management of FacilityApps.

Bradford Soap, Church & Dwight, Evonik execs to speak at 2023 ACI Convention Industry Leadership Panel

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Executives from Bradford Soap, Church & Dwight and Evonik will discuss how they are navigating through unpredictable economic swings and global unrest, which can drastically impact marketplace success, during the Industry Leadership Panel at the 2023 American Cleaning Institute Industry Convention.

Velair now boasts Planet Mark

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Velair Group is understandably proud to announce that it has achieved the Planet Mark Business Certification; an internationally recognised sustainability certification.

Welcome to the Cleanzine


Each week my Leaders are posted onto our Facebook page and the click-throughs, shares and other engagements give me a rough idea of the interest readers have in what I’m saying. Last week’s Leader performed particularly well and was shared more widely than usual. I’m hoping it’s because you agreed with my arguments and that my piece hasn’t been pounced upon by Extinction Rebellion activists who are organising for my house and car to be splattered with orange paint in protest against my comments! I do have friends and acquaintances who are supporters, so it is a possibility - and it’s through one of these contacts I’m hoping to be able to convince the powers that be that damaging the environment isn’t the way to go about their business. I hope I’m treading carefully enough. 
If ever you feel strongly about any of the things I say – even if you disagree with me, please get in touch either via email or by commenting on Facebook. I’d love to be able to use these Leaders as a forum, so I can understand your views and perhaps explore new avenues that haven’t yet occurred to me. I promise not to include anything in Cleanzine without your prior permission! And this is not just for readers in the UK either, for although that’s where Cleanzine’s based (and where we thought our audience would be, when we launched 20 years ago) we soon learned that we had a fast-growing, global readership. It took us by surprise but perhaps it shouldn’t have done, bearing in mind the way the Internet has opened everything up and brought us all closer together. And while we as an industry face many of the same problems, using similar machinery and equipment from the same manufacturers and often the same cleaning methods, because of, say, different climates and cultures, there will be things we do differently. By sharing our news and views we can perhaps help one another to find a better way to tackle the job in hand. 
I write this with the threat of strike action by thousands of public sector and NHS workers – and many others – looming its head over the UK. I sincerely hope this type of action isn’t something that goes global! Whether the strikes go ahead or whether money is found to meet the Unions’ demands, there will be huge repercussions for our industry. Facilities managers and those running cleaning companies must feel like corks bobbing around in a rough ocean. I feel for you!




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Jan Hobbs

This Week's News

Sanitized AG appoints Dr Martin Čadek as CTO of its Competence Centre for Technology & Innovation

* Sanitised.jpegSwiss-based Sanitized AG is increasing its innovation expertise by appointing a new CTO, Dr Martin Čadek, who will oversee global technological activities for the specialist antimicrobial hygiene brand. Dr Čadek will lead the company's Competence Centre for Technology Innovation and will focus on breaking new ground to develop innovations in sustainability.

Dr Čadek is a graduate physicist with a Master's degree in polymer science with many years' experience in the industry working with polymers, fibres, industrial textiles and extruded polymers. He is joining Sanitized AG from his most recent role as managing director for German subsidiary the Flint Group. His previous roles include the global head of innovation for Energy and Polymer Systems at Evonik/Orion, the head of extrusion techn

Be honest, don't greenwash: four responsible changes to make your business greener…

* greenwashing.jpgThe Commercial LPG division at Flogas, looks at some of the ways in which you can ditch greenwashing and search, instead, for responsible changes and solutions.

“With the severe consequences of climate change becoming more apparent every year, many people across the world are gradually embracing a more eco-friendly mindset. Businesses are striving to play their part in safeguarding the planet.

Why does hygiene still struggle to gain political importance?

* Chatham-House-Report.jpgThe Chatham House Report concludes that changing hygiene behaviours can lead to better health, for the individual, the wider population, and the economy. Yet, even with the lessons from Covid-19, hygiene still struggles to gain political importance. Why?

A lack of safe water, sanitation, and hygiene, results not only in loss of dignity, safety, health and education, but also economic potential. It is at the heart of ‘human capital’, not only for the current working generation, but for generations to come.

Italian business network safebreath.net aims to reduce particulate matter PM2.5 AND PM10 in industrial environments

* SAFEBREATH.jpegA new national business network has launched with the aim of proposing a complete solution to abate harmful PM2.5 and PM10 particulate matter in industrial environments: 'Safebreath.net' was officially presented in Rimini during the recent Ecomondo Trade Fair.

The innovative entrepreneurial aggregation was created by three companies, leaders in their respective sectors: Idrobase Group (Borgoricco - Padua), MVT-Mion Ventoltermica (Maserada sul Piave - Treviso) and Sibilia (Castelletto Sopra Ticino - Novara).

Completing the Matrix

* Dennis-Goodwin_Matrix.jpgWhen Dennis Goodwin took up his position as global sales manager at Matrix Cleaning Systems recently, it must have felt a bit like 'coming home'. Why?

He'd launched Dimplex Cleaning Machines in Europe many years ago and when the business subsequently closed, Bob Pownall, the biggest partner, bought the manufacturing rights and tooling, and set up Matrix Cleaning Systems along with his daughter Natalie, 'from the ashes'. Thus, a delighted Dennis has effectively 'rejoined' the business after 17 years away!

Recorra (Paper Round) strengthens South East England circular economy

* Reccora-KeyKeg.jpgRecorra has been redefining waste management for almost 35-years. Launched by Friends of the Earth as a paper recycling initiative in 1988, Paper Round has been renamed Recorra to reflect the fact it now collects over 35 types of post-use material across the South East that can be reprocessed and given a useful second life.

The new name draws together the key elements of recycling, ecology and terra (the earth). It demonstrates Recorra's commitment to delivering Real Recycling: best-practice excellence, honest transparency, customer engagement in ecological issues, carbon reduction and continual social and environmental improvement.

Can your contract cleaning business do more for the environment?

* Delphis-ENVIRONMENT.jpgMore than six out of ten people in the UK want to see companies including contract cleaners act more sustainably - citing the use of recyclable packaging, less plastic, less waste, and mobilising renewable energy, as coming top of their wish list.

A study of 2,000 adults by British cleaning chemical brand, Delphis Eco, found 76 per cent felt sustainability and climate change were very important to them. But it also emerged 56 per cent of us feel too many businesses are 'greenwashing' for marketing purposes rather than in a concerted effort to make a real difference to the planet.

BESA event speaker warns that NHS waiting lists won't fall unless we fix ventilation

* BESA-NHS.jpgThe first ever World Ventilation Day, (Tuesday 8th November) highlighted the growing public health crisis linked to poorly ventilated buildings with a series of international events demonstrating how good ventilation reduces exposure to deadly viruses and pollutants.

World Health Organisation child health advocate Rosamund Adoo Kissi-Debrah told an event organised by the Building Engineering Services Association that children will continue to die unless governments and the ventilation industry work together to address poor indoor air quality.

B-Sure Installations launches B-Spoke Hygiene Board service

* B-Sure-Hygiene-Board.jpgB-Sure Installations has launched its B-Spoke Hygiene Boards service across the UK, following a successful trial to support customers during the pandemic.

B-Spoke Hygiene Boards are designed specifically to meet all a customer's hygiene needs in one and are pre-treated to be completely anti-microbial.

Cleanology boosts growth with acquisition of TC Bibby

* Cleanology-TC-Bibby.jpgAward-winning commercial cleaning firm Cleanology has continued its expansion programme with the acquisition of one of the largest cleaning contractors in North-West England, TC Bibby & Sons.

Based in Wigan, TC Bibby & Sons launched in 1931 with managing director, Geoff Bibby, the third generation of Bibbys to steer the company. Geoff, along with all existing staff members, will remain with the company.

Atlas lays foundations for great future with City West deal

* Atlas.jpgAtlas FM has announced an agreement to join with one of London's leading cleaning companies, City West Support Services.

City West is a provider of premium quality services and supports some of the capital's best-known buildings and organisations. Customers include commercial and residential property managers, professional services companies and educational establishments.

The Cleanzine Archive Search

We keep an extensive archive of news stories and product information that have featured in past issues of The Cleanzine. If you would like to run a search of the The Cleanzine web site using the search tool below please just go ahead by entering in the name of the person, product or company or any other key words that you are looking for.

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How to contact us at The Cleanzine:

Jan Hobbs
Publishing Editor
Email: [email protected]
Tel: 07980 288 373

* JAN.jpg
John Austen
Publishing Director
Media & Communications
Email: [email protected]
Tel: 07766 707 888
* John-pro-shot.jpg
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@cleanzine  * Twitter-X-Logo.jpeg


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Hospital Hygiene

Hospial Corridor

Our weekly updated Hospital Hygiene features current developments and product solutions cleaning and hygiene industry manufacturers are coming up with. Read More.

Recent UK News

Rawlins - making 'remove, improve, protect' more sustainable

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Established over 50 years ago and renowned as one of the UK's leading suppliers of cleaning equipment, Rawlins now has a new managing director. With the retirement of James White, Werner du Plessis is embarking on a plan to take the business in a new and more sustainable direction, while also offering a new and important service.

Exemplary floor cleaning enhances health and hygiene in a veterinary environment

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Truvox International is exhibiting at the London Vet Show at ExCel, London from 17th through18th November and visitors will be able to see the Multiwash Pro - which was launched at last year's show - alongside the Valet Battery Upright II (VBUII) and the VTVe compact high-performance dry vacuum cleaner.

HSE's Risk-Reduction Through Design Award 2022-2023 launches

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The Health & Safety Executive’s annual musculoskeletal disorders 'risk-reduction through design' award is now open for nominations. The award highlights the important contribution that ergonomics-based design changes can make to reduce the risks of work-related MSDs.

Pinnacle Group's commitment to quality recognised with international standard

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In recognition of its dedicated quality management of community-led services, facilities services provider Pinnacle Group has once again been awarded the world's most recognised Quality Management System (QMS) standard - ISO9001:2015.

Cleaning company employee dies after falling into hot water tank

A catering equipment cleaning company has been fined £200,000 after a worker died through falling into a tank of hot water. The man fell through the lid of a tank of hot water heated to 76 degrees Centigrade and died a week later in hospital.

Greyland achieves Planet Mark

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Greyland has achieved the Planet Mark Business Certification, furthering its commitment to reducing its impact on society.

The Planet Mark Business Certification is an internationally recognised sustainability certification for all organisations acknowledging continuous progress, encouraging action and building an empowered community of like-minded individuals.

Hat-trick of new recruits aim to boost Biovate Hygienics’ growth

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Pioneering Biovate Hygienics, which launched this year with a pledge to become the country's 'go to' brand for sustainable and carbon neutral cleaning products, has announced a trio of new hires to help propel it into its next stage of growth.

Sustainability, cobotics and hygiene habits: Cleaning Show London 2023 to highlight latest trends and technologies transforming the industry

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Over the past two years, the cleaning industry has been thrown into the spotlight, and has proudly and professionally taken a frontline position as it demonstrates best practice in cleaning and sanitation processes.

First Mile launches Return & Recycle service for hard-to-recycle items

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Businesses and workplaces throughout the UK can now help to power the circular economy thanks to the launch of First Mile's Return & Recycle - a low-cost recycling scheme that focuses on making it easy to return items that are traditionally tricky to recycle.

Liverpool’s new underground bin scheme ‘first of its kind in the UK’

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An innovative scheme launched in Liverpool, to retrofit waste collection in built-up urban areas, is the first of its kind in the UK. The scheme will see cavernous receptacles placed in 90 locations, set within high-density residential areas, many of which will replace some of the existing temporary communal bins.

Events & Exhibitions

WFBSC Global Summit
12-13th March 2025
New Zealand


London Cleaning Show
18-20th March 2025
ExCel London

ISSA Pulire 2025
27-29th May 2025
Rho Fiera Milano


4-6th November 2025


ISSA Show North America
10-13th November 2025
Las Vegas

© The Cleanzine 2025.
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