* Cleanzine-logo-8a.jpgCleanzine: your weekly cleaning and hygiene industry newsletter 6th February 2025 Issue no. 1148

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Low energy air filters: Quick wins for energy savings in buildings

* camfill-from-vid.jpgCamfil UK, a world leader in providing air filtration solutions for maintaining healthy and comfortable indoor environments, has published a paper highlighting the energy saving opportunities that arise from choosing effective air filtration systems within non-domestic buildings.

Called 'Quick wins for energy savings in buildings: A Facilities Manager's guide to choosing low energy air filters for both optimised energy performance and indoor air quality', the publication addresses the challenge that all industry sectors are facing when it comes to the energy efficiency of their building stock.

The Federation of European Heating, Ventilating & Air-Conditioning Associations has estimated that within the EU alone there is a potential annual saving of 5TWh available by switching to Low Energy Air Filters. This would equate up to £500 million energy saving in the UK.

Many multi-site organisations and estates departments at larger organisations are committed to developing and implementing energy plans, involving strategy and policy on energy and sustainability. One of the main aims of these plans is to strive to balance the key principles, those of sustainability, financial viability, environmental enhancement and social responsibility.

Large land owners, building management and insurance companies are waking up to the huge value of the potential savings that can be achieved from effective air filtration systems. With soaring energy prices and new energy directives and mandates, it truly pays to save energy in air filtration systems.

Camfil can demonstrate through a number of high profile installations, how air filters directly influence energy consumption within air handling units that heat, cool and clean the air of approximately 200,000 air conditioned buildings in the UK. The company is offering energy managers, FMs and engineering teams, a free, no obligation energy saving opportunity assessment survey.

The company's specially designed 'Life Cycle Cost' programme will create an accurate simulation of the energy consumed in a typical AHU system and produce a comprehensive report that details potential cost savings, identifies ways to reduce filter changes and save labour, prevent waste and cut the carbon footprint.

Headquartered in Sweden, Camfil has 25 manufacturing plants, six research & development sites and over 65 local sales offices worldwide.

E: [email protected]
W: www.camfil.co.uk / www.lowenergyairfilter.co.uk

23rd July 2015

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