*Cleanzine-logo-10a.jpgCleanzine: your weekly cleaning and hygiene industry newsletter 25th July 2024 Issue no. 1124

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As I predicted in Tuesday’s broadcast, yesterday – the second day of the Pulire exhibition in Verona, was very busy throughout the day and we saw a lot of stand staff scribbling away on their order pads… Clearly the visitors weren’t ‘just looking’ but were indeed spending their money!

* Maxima.jpgBefore leaving at the end of the day, we visited our old friends from Maxima whose stand was in a corner of a far hall, facing into the corner itself. Had this position hampered them, we wondered? Not at all, it seems. Not only had they been busy the second day, but on the first - traditionally a quiet-ish day at these events - they’d “not stopped” from 11:00 until 17:00. You can read more about what they’re launching, further down the page…

I started the day off at the conference session: “The Internet of Things”. I don’t normally attend conferences while at shows, because I never get around to see everybody I want , as it is, so taking an extra couple of hours out of the day has always struck me as being a bit of a folly. However, I’d heard good reports about previous Pulire conference sessions and as the subject matter of this particular one interested me, I decided to break from tradition and went along. I’m so glad I did!

Having started out in Internet publishing when it was in its infancy, (Cleanzine’s been going for 13 years now!) I’ve always been open to this type of technology, but frankly even I was astounded by some of the things people are doing with it. I’m still trying to get my head around what I learned and the impact it will have on us as consumers and also the industry itself; once I have, I’ll be sharing it with you. Fascinating stuff!

If you saw Wednesday’s issue, you’ll be aware that Karcher’s entry into this year’s Innovation Awards pipped the other shortlisted finalists at the post, but since the entries had themselves been kept underwraps, we weren’t able to tell you what the innovations actually were, so we made it our mission yesterday to find out.

Here's our report…

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Jan Hobbs

21st May 2015

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