*Cleanzine-logo-10a.jpgCleanzine: your weekly cleaning and hygiene industry newsletter 25th July 2024 Issue no. 1124

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Welcome to the Cleanzine


Welcome to the last issue of Cleanzine for 2023. This is by far the closest we’ve ever broadcast to Christmas itself over Cleanzine’s 21 years and as the celebrations are just around the corner with so many people excited over family reunions, special meals and the exchange of gifts, I can’t help my thoughts being drawn towards those who don’t have anyone to celebrate with or don’t have anywhere to celebrate because they’re long-term homeless or perhaps recently displaced. 
My thoughts are also with those in the region that the man whose birth is being celebrated by Christians all over the world, spent his life. There has been conflict in that region over so many of the 2,000-plus years since then, but this year it’s escalated to the extent that real anger about it is running high all over the world – more so, in my view, than it has done over the ongoing war in Ukraine – and it’s in danger of escalating. 
My view is that ordinary people like myself would never choose to go into battle with my neighbours. Wars are started by our leaders, aren’t they? But unlike in ancient times when our leaders tended to be at the head of the battle, it’s the ordinary folk who are sent to do the fighting and whose homes and lives are wrecked by the conflict. 
Normally at this stage I wish you happy and safe holidays and this year, I’m going to share a song with you. It’s only a few minutes long but there’s an important story behind it and the words echo my wishes on life today, next year and beyond, for me and my loved ones and for you and yours, wherever you may be in the world and whichever side of the battle-lines our leaders have drawn, we may be on. 
Today is Solstice Eve, when the longest, darkest night in the Northern Hemisphere is marked and people celebrate the growing of the light and new beginnings. More than ever this year I pray that these new beginnings bring peace to the world. Here’s the link to the song performed in three different languages by 3,000 people brought together by Koolulam, in Haifa, on 14th February 2018, before the world as we knew it, was turned upside down. They learnt the song and harmonies in around an hour and sing it with love and joy… echoing, I’m sure, the sentiments and dreams of ordinary people everywhere. May it lift your spirits too: 





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Jan Hobbs

21st December 2023

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