*Cleanzine-logo-10a.jpgCleanzine: your weekly cleaning and hygiene industry newsletter 25th July 2024 Issue no. 1124

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Recycle Week video picks up Award

* Recycle-Week-video-Award.jpgLast week, the 2022 Recycle Week hero video, 'Let's Get Real', scooped a Gold Smiley award at the OCFA charity film awards, fending off tough competition from Barts, the Scout Association, Samaritans, Diabetes UK, Breast Cancer Now and The Bible Society.

The theme of last year's campaign was to boldly challenge perceptions and myths around recycling, as well as targeting contamination to improve recycling behaviours. The award-winning video unpacked what really happens to recycling in a fast-paced, behind-the-scenes journey through a recycling facility.

A staggering 3.7 million citizens said they did something differently as a result of seeing or hearing about Recycle Week in 2022. You can hear campaign manager Craig Stephens, and Lucy from agency Radley Yedlar, sharing their reactions about the win in a very short video here:


13th April 2023

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