Cleanzine: your weekly cleaning and hygiene industry newsletter 12th September 2024 Issue no. 1129
Your industry news - first
The original and best - for over 20 years!
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Welcome to the Cleanzine
Posting pictures or videos of your successes on social media is only a great way of sharing them with your network and friends if they happen to be on social media too, at around the right time. Even if we’re following another person or organisation, the algorithms in place now mean we’re going to miss most of their posts. If you have something important to share, why take the chance that many of those you’re trying to reach, will miss seeing your time in the spotlight and perhaps a demo of your latest machine or other equipment and the impressive before-and-after pics?
With the growing number of popular social media platforms now, very few of us can devote the time needed to look at them all, so sending me those videos or pictures with a few notes about the job or machine involved, along with contact details and perhaps a brief quote from your happy client, will allow me to highlight your successes more widely and may – as has been proven so many times in the 21 years Cleanzine’s been broadcasting, give your business a much needed boost! They don’t have to be beautifully written and word-perfect; I can put them into shape for you. Why not give it a go?
You can also follow us on Twitter @cleanzine
5th January 2023