Cleanzine: your weekly cleaning and hygiene industry newsletter 13th February 2025 Issue no. 1149
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Registrations open for CMS Berlin 2023
Product overview and virtual communication platform combine to form a new trade fair duo: CMS Berlin and CMS PLUS
Events are kicking off again: Exhibitors can register for the upcoming CMS Berlin. From 19th to 22nd September 2023, Europe's hugely popular trade fair for the cleaning & hygiene market is inviting visitors to an industry exhibition and face-to-face meetings in Berlin.
Exhibitors who register their stands by 3rd October 2022 can take advantage of attractive Early Bird rates. Registration forms in German and English are online now. The new website form can be filled out and emailed directly. (Exhibitors can register for a stand at:
The halls and outdoor displays on the Berlin Exhibition Grounds will provide international trade visitors with a comprehensive overview of the cleaning industry's range of product and services. The focus of this industry exhibition will be on innovations and technical advances and a face-to-face dialogue. All leading manufacturers of cleaning machines and devices as well as cleaning, care and disinfectant products are expected to attend.
As usual, participants can find out more about key industry topics, including digitisation, sustainability and innovation at various special displays, forums, live events and through personal encounters on the stands. In addition to a number of popular and new formats, visitor attractions such as the Purus Innovation Award and Mobility Cleaning Circle are a firmly established part of the trade fair programme in 2023.
New trade fair duo: CMS Berlin and CMS Plus
CMS Plus lets visitors make good use of the time between now and when they meet in person again. Every quarter, the virtual community and business platform gathers the commercial cleaning sector for a theme week on industry topics. The upcoming CMS Plus theme week looks at job training and recruiting. Thus, CMS Plus provides a platform for dealing with yet another important topic, as the skills shortage and lack of job trainees has long become one of the main challenges for the building cleaning industry and other skilled trades.
CMS Plus strikes up a dialogue with the industry and interested users by providing information on job opportunities, career outlooks, training facilities and presenting different types of jobs. The CMS Plus Update with its focus on job training and recruiting is the second in a series of eight theme weeks in the run-up to the in-person trade fair on 19th September 2023.
Participation in CMS PLUS is free and you can register at:
Occupying an area of more than 31,000sq.m in the halls and on the outdoor display area, around 450 exhibitors, the highest number to date, took part in CMS Berlin 2019. Coming from 25 countries, they provided a comprehensive overview of the products and services from every branch of the commercial cleaning industry. Some 25,000 representatives of the industry, including around 21,000 trade visitors from 80 countries and every cleaning market, came to the four-day cleaning trade fair to find out about the latest products and services on the commercial cleaning market.
CMS Berlin is organised by Messe Berlin GmbH and takes place every two years. The following professional organisations are sponsors of the event: the Federal Guild Association of the Cleaning Trade (BIV), Bonn, the Cleaning Systems Trade Association in the German Mechanical Engineering Industry Association (VDMA), Frankfurt/Main, and the Hygiene Industry Association (IHO), Frankfurt/Main.
24th February 2022