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HSE's 'Risk-reduction through design' Award 2021-2022 needs your nominations

* HSE-Risk-reduction-design.jpgThe Health & Safety Executive and the Chartered Institute of Ergonomics & Human Factors are asking for nominations for their 'Risk-reduction through design' Award, which highlights the important contribution design changes can make to reduce risks of musculoskeletal disorders in the workplace.

There are no restrictions on the sector or size of business that can enter; both large and small employers are encouraged; the emphasis is on design solutions that have or can reduce the risk of musculoskeletal disorders for your workers.

"We want to inspire businesses to consider how ergonomics-based design changes can reduce the risks of work-related musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) and nominate design changes that have made a real impact," says the HSE, whose message continues to be that risks from MSDs must be controlled and that all employers should eliminate or reduce these risks at source where possible.

"You can nominate any design solution implemented in workplaces in the UK that have demonstrated how you have reduced musculoskeletal risks for your workers - we want examples that have made a real impact.

"Design solutions that have reduced musculoskeletal risks to large numbers of workers will be attractive, but we also encourage small and medium sized businesses to enter. We are also interested in any novel, innovative or niche solutions.

"We welcome in-house employer-led design changes or consultant-led design changes, but nominations must be made by the employer (not by the designer)."

What to include in your submission:

- The MSD problem - the task, the work setting and the MSD issue you were trying to solve before you made any design changes.
- Your solution - who you worked with to design or develop your solution and what design changes were made.
- The MSD benefit(s) - who has been affected by the changes, and the scale of the impact.
- Other benefit(s) - the other positive impacts you have seen as a result of making the changes. This could be anything from other health and/or safety benefits, to productivity improvements, or environmental benefits etc.
- Worker participation - how did you involve your workers in the process? Do you have any quotes of what workers thought about the changes?
- Photographs - include a few photographs showing the task or activity before you made any changes, and again after you made your changes. Make the photos as clear as possible.

Nominations should be submitted via email by 31st January 2022, on two sides of A4 paper, which should not include any contact details. The email should include your name, your company and contact details, along with the name of the organisation or individual you worked with to make the design changes, or whether the design changes were totally 'in-house'. Send your nomination to:

E: [email protected]

The HSE Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDs) eBulletin is now available. It contains information about the new MSD online assessment tool and how you can register for a live demonstration. There are also details about this year's 'Risk-reduction through design' awards.


11th November 2021

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