*Cleanzine-logo-10a.jpgCleanzine: your weekly cleaning and hygiene industry newsletter 25th July 2024 Issue no. 1124

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We have Mail

* Barrie-Torbett.jpgI read with interest Dominic Ponniah's piece on the race to the bottom (www.thecleanzine.com).

Whilst his comments are all very valid those of us that have been around as long as I have know it to be a well-worn path. It is up to our industry to drive change, but we have to be more aggressive and creative in delivering change.

The work of the APPG and the WCEC Chartered Practitioners can add credibility to our staff and the industry overall, but we still need the procurement practices of the client to recognise the value of professional and efficient cleaning services.

We need to point out the hidden cost and impact of poor cleaning practices delivered to clients who buy on price alone. Their staff sickness and absenteeism, the cost of recruitment and training of employees that leave due to unhygienic working environments and of course ongoing maintenance and replacement costs of poorly maintained surfaces and equipment. 

The money saved by eliminating these issues can be reinvested in cleaning and other essential services or drop to the bottom line. The introduction of strict SLAs imposed by the client allowing them to penalise poor service by the contractor will drive out the cost cutting element in the industry.

I could go on for hours, but just wanted to make the point that the future is in our hands. As my Dutch colleagues used to say "No" is also an answer.

Kind Regards

Barrie P Torbett,
CEO & Founder, Renascence Group

23rd September 2021

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