* Cleanzine-logo-8a.jpgCleanzine: your weekly cleaning and hygiene industry newsletter 6th February 2025 Issue no. 1148

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Morclean introduces latest swift and simple bin cleaning innovations

* new-swift1.jpgAt this time of year, household bins and commercial bins are at their smelliest - and smells attract all types of creatures and insects, including flies, maggots and vermin - making bins a breeding ground for bacteria and germs.

The new Bin Wash Swift SY 150 is a compact, entry-level wheelie bin cleaner that manufacturer Morclean believes is set to be a market leader in the domestic bin cleaning industry, especially with start-up bin washing businesses, whizzing away stinky dirt and debris in a matter of moments.

Built on a simple yet sturdy trailer and expertly engineered to fall under towing limits, the Swift 150's single bin lift function and new and compact design has been developed by Morclean's R&D department to meet customer demand.

Manufactured in Morclean's dedicated R&D and bin wash manufacturing unit, home of the UK's best-selling and award-winning Custom Plus bin wash, the Swift 150 is quick and easy to maintain, and its lightweight structure and straightforward operation allows for effortless cleaning. It is crammed with innovative features that provide lucrative financial returns in the bin washing market too.

* new-swift2.jpgUsers simply lift 120 or 240 litre bins with ease using the manual level, and wash away grime with the powerful jet wash. The wastewater then outflows to the catchment tray and is filtered for re-use. This reduces manual handling or physically tipping the bin to wash and rinse out, and the water is then recycled during the day, reducing weight and water tank capacity.

And not only that, the unit has four stages of water treatment and filtration:

* new-swift3.jpg1. A Filta-bed water filter, with its removable and slimline design, offers the operator quick access. It can be easily removed and lifted out to clean and does not need replacing
2. The Easyclean SS Filter is not only rust-proof stainless-steel, but it is easily cleaned by rinsing with a hosepipe or under a tap. This reduces cost and any downtime to change or replace filters
3. A Blue+ backwash automated system that re-cleans any water held in the tank while the machine is idling. This conditions the water between cleans to maintain water standards. Again, it is cleanable and does not required disposable filters
4. Similarly, the pump pre-filter is easy to remove and wash under a tap, eliminating the need for replacement filters. Rinsing after each water change will ensure that you are ready for the next cleaning round

The Swift 150 can be used as a portable pressure washer for driveway, patio and decking cleaning, and the machine allows you to wash bins legally as wash water is contained and recycled according to EA guidelines. And with its EC/EU approved trailer, heavy-duty battery, and fast washing process - typically 10-30 seconds for a domestic bin - the Swift 150 has very low running costs and superb earnings potential.

New Swift e-series Bin Wash Machine

Morclean also introduce the Swift e-series Bin Wash Machine, their latest Carbon Neutral Innovation. The move towards an a more sustainable and carbon neutral future has never been more vital than the present to help solve the problem of climate change. Moving swiftly towards improved, accelerated deployment of low-carbon solutions and innovations. The compact entry level bin wash machine, which is set to be launched in September at the Cleaning Expo UK 2021, may be simple in its design, but its features and capabilities are top notch.

* Morclean-Swift-e.jpgWith 4 stages of water treatment and innovation, the bin wash Swift e-series is the eco-friendly alternative to its sister bin wash, the Swift 150. Totally battery-driven and with zero emissions, the Swift e-series has no petrol costs, lower servicing costs, and is fume free.

Its lightweight design means that the machine only needs to carry a 220L baffled water tank of recycled water, and it features single 240 litre or 120 litre bin lift capability just with the pull of a lever. Delivering quiet and efficient operation at just 40 pence per recharge.

The e-series is capable of towing a standard 50mm ball hitch trailer and an electric trailer socket for the lights of the trailer. All you need to do is position the wheelie bin onto the lifting mechanism at the rear of the machine and raise the bin with its manual lift function. The cleaning process is effortless and the bin can be spotless clean in a matter of moments.

You can see the machines demonstrated along with other Morclean products, at one of the company’s dedicated bin wash workshops.

T: 01246 471147
E: [email protected]
W: www.morclean.com

12th August 2021

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