*Cleanzine-logo-10a.jpgCleanzine: your weekly cleaning and hygiene industry newsletter 25th July 2024 Issue no. 1124

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ACI urges FDA to address hand sanitiser safety concerns

* ACI-FDA-Hand-Sanitizer-Safety.jpgThe American Cleaning Institute is pressing the US Food & Drug Administration to clarify policies on labeling and refilling practices involving hand sanitisers.

In a letter sent to the agency, ACI expressed concerns related to the "new, increasingly widespread practice of providing hand sanitisers to consumers in public settings...that are often sold in bulk and used to fill existing dispensers, which can create a serious risk to public health & safety."

ACI, which for decades has represented hand sanitiser product and ingredient manufacturers, asked the FDA to:

* Clarify requirements for hand sanitiser labeling and refilling practices
* Take enforcement action against certain products that are in violation of legal requirements and raise public health & safety concerns
* Issue safety communications to manufacturers and the public about these unsafe and unlawful practices.

ACI noted that a there are a large number of new entrants into the hand sanitiser market offering bulk hand sanitiser formats and open refillable dispensers. These drug delivery systems are especially prevalent in public locations and are intended to encourage the public to get out and ‘safely’ reopen our communities (e.g., retail shopping, schools, lobbies, community outdoor settings).

"It is our understanding that in most cases, these bulk systems are either not labeled at all or not labeled in accordance with FDA drug labeling requirements, and these hand sanitisers and their containers have not been validated for compatibility or stability in those bulk systems," said Dr James Kim, ACI vice president of science & regulatory affairs. "In addition, some businesses that provide hand sanitiser to their employees, patrons, or the general public are purchasing bulk hand sanitiser for use in refilling existing containers, including some dispensers, jugs and bottles that were not intended to be refilled."

ACI said that these practices pose "several serious risks to health & safety" related to misbranding, product integrity, product stability and traceability.

"In addition to raising these issues for your awareness, ACI and its members stand ready to assist the FDA as a knowledgeable, helpful resource in addressing these risks."

Additionally, ACI and its members continue to be concerned about hand sanitiser products on the market from manufacturers that do not comply with applicable regulatory requirements. These products are potentially misleading to consumers and harmful to the industry's reputation. ACI is hopeful that FDA will take appropriate enforcement action to prevent noncompliant companies from further disseminating false and misleading claims.


8th April 2021

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