Cleanzine: your weekly cleaning and hygiene industry newsletter 13th February 2025 Issue no. 1149
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Flood damage to your property? Bio Productions has the perfect solution!
As you may already know, Micro Clean is a versatile biological stain and odour digester. However, Micro Clean is also an incredible solution for flood damaged properties. We have heard that a lot of properties have needed stripping down and replastering once they have been dried out…
Micro Clean helps to reduce the soiling caused by flood damage and reduces the need for replastering.
Simply pour Micro Clean into a bucket of tepid water and sponge onto the damaged walls and floors (do not spray as this will cause the bugs to disperse and become ineffective) and leave to dry naturally - no need to rinse off! The enzymes in Micro Clean will begin to break down the mould and soiling caused by the floods and greatly reduce the need for redecorating - the perfect money saving solution!
“Micro Clean is one of those products that works on most things, from smelly bins and mouldy milk to flooded properties where it removes the bad bacteria from the walls and ceilings,” says one cleaning contractor, Danielle, from Cheltenham. “Although we don’t know all of the technical wording we do know that from trying Micro Clean on flooded properties in the 2007 flash flooding that the enzymes quickly started eating through all of the nasty bacteria and damage caused by the floods.
“Simply splashing Micro Clean onto the walls and ceilings of a flooded property after mixing it with lukewarm water, sets the enzymes working and removing all of the nasty things that the flood caused. We always reapply Micro Clean a few times per property over a number of days just to ensure the property is ready for decorating, before allowing the occupants to move back in. Usually a flooded property would need plastering after a flood, however we find that Micro Clean does the job of removing the bad stuff, generally eliminating the need to replaster.
“When we work in a flooded property, the property is always inspected afterwards by either
the insurance commpany, builders and sometimes even the local councils and thankfully we’ve never had a problem where the property needed more work. The only product that we would use on these properties is Micro Clean.”
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12th March 2020