*Cleanzine-logo-10a.jpgCleanzine: your weekly cleaning and hygiene industry newsletter 25th July 2024 Issue no. 1124

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CIRI chairman talks through highlights of this year's Science Symposium

* CIRI-chairman.jpgThe 2019 Cleaning Industry Research Institute Science Symposium, themed 'Connecting Research to Practice' is just days away.

It is the only conference focused solely on sound science in the cleaning & remediation industries, with all presentations having been peer-reviewed for content and objectivity.

Topics to be explored include: disinfection, microbiome, newest measurement technologies, robotics and drone technologies, innovations in training and education. More than 18 speakers will present during fast-moving, high-information 'lightning round' sessions during the event.

CIRI symposiums feature dialogue and sharing of information based on data and research. The organisation says its science symposiums aren't for everyone: just serious, technically-orientated professionals who want to share and build relationships with science researchers and like-minded industry professionals.

The program is as follows:

* Opening and Greetings - Jim Harris Sr. for CIRI
* Session Opening: Healthcare Associated Infections: Old Friends, New Threats, Biofilms & Now Come the Superbugs
* Session 1: Threats to Human Health (Infection Control, Human Biome)
* Session 2: Down and Dirty: Research to Practice - Practice to Research
* Session 3: Practical and Effective Uses of [ATP] Measurement
* Session 4: Science & Research: A Paradigm for the 21st Century
* Session 5: Training and Technology Innovations
* Session 6: Management Science, Efficiencies & Economics, Survey Data

The event is taking place 15th - 17th July at Miami University in Oxford, Ohio, US. If you are in two minds about whether or not to attend, watch the chairman's outline of the highlights and learn more about the action-packed two-day agenda, planned speakers at:


27th June 2019

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