*Cleanzine-logo-10a.jpgCleanzine: your weekly cleaning and hygiene industry newsletter 25th July 2024 Issue no. 1124

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Host UK t/a Host von Schrader to cease trading: PRESS STATEMENT

* HOST-UK.jpgIt is with great sadness that we, the Directors of Host UK t/a Host von Schrader, have to announce the closure of the business.

Our US parent company, Racine Industries, has over the past few months experienced severe trading difficulties and, as a consequence has been unable to supply the UK market with enough equipment and product for us to remain solvent.

Therefore, after seeking legal advice, we have had no option but to cease trading despite having a full, and profitable order book.

We are working hard with our American colleagues to resolve the situation, and in the interim, all enquiries should be directed to our parent company or the liquidators.

Racine Industries, Wisconsin, US. Margie Pias T: 001 262 637 4491 / E: [email protected]

Royce Peeling Green, Manchester. Contact Chris Jones T: 0161 608 6000 / E: [email protected]

All of us at Host von Schrader here in the UK are desperately sorry that we have had to take this action but, given the current circumstances in the US market, we have been unable to legally take any other course of action.

Mike Egerton, Managing Director, Host UK T: 01244 289256

23rd May 2019

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