*Cleanzine-logo-10a.jpgCleanzine: your weekly cleaning and hygiene industry newsletter 25th July 2024 Issue no. 1124

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Waxie mourns loss of longtime employee, Jim Fischer

* WAXIE_Jim-Fischer.jpgWaxie Sanitary Supply says it is with a heavy heart that it announces the loss of longtime employee and vice president business development, Jim Fischer, who passed away suddenly in Scottsdale, AZ, US on 13th May.

Jim began his career at Waxie in January 1987 as a warehouse worker. Over the next 32 years he held positions as warehouse manager, operations manager, account consultant, sales manager, and general manager. He ascended through the ranks to his position of vice president, business development where he worked closely with the corporate accounts team and Network Services Company.

He is remembered as an innovator and an industry oracle who could look into the future and make predictions about the janitorial supply industry. He accurately forecast many years ago that there would be consolidation both in manufacturing and distribution that would leave the industry with fewer companies.

Jim also foresaw the emerging trend with respect to vertical markets. He championed the need to articulate Waxie's value and service differentiation first and foremost. In addition, he foresaw rising costs and issues related to labour and the supply chain, which allowed Waxie to position itself effectively.

Jim had the ability to connect with people on the highest level. He understood the challenges that executives faced in managing costs as well as the trials of trying to maintain clean and healthy facilities. He was a voracious learner, an attentive listener and a student of the industry. He desired to learn as much as he could with the intent to truly bolster Waxie in the process. Jim challenged his fellow coworkers to be brave and take on the bigger issues while thinking outside the box.

"He encouraged all of us to prepare for the future or be swept away," says the company.

"Jim's impact reached far beyond the Waxie footprint. He was a true collaborator and teammate with the Network services corporate account team and other Network members across the country.

"Due to his efforts and leadership, Waxie earned multiple awards from Network including the 2015 Business Development Award."

JIm leaves behind his wife Jan, and their two children Christian and April.


16th May 2019

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