*Cleanzine-logo-10a.jpgCleanzine: your weekly cleaning and hygiene industry newsletter 25th July 2024 Issue no. 1124

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You know the message is getting through when an eight-year old boy spends his pocket money on a litter picker & gets his mother to take him out collecting what others have carelessly (and probably deliberately) discarded, don't you?

Little Leighton Ollerenshaw told the BBC he'd noticed lots of litter lying around and wondered how it would be if the next generation had to pay for the carelessness of the current one, being forced to live in a litter-damaged environment. He asked his mother if they could go litter-picking and responsibly, she agreed. It didn't stop there though; the word spread and soon Leighton's friends wanted to get involved too. Let's hope they keep it up!

* litter-boy.jpg

It occurred to me while watching the video about Leighton (www.bbc.co.uk) that he and his friends may, one day, be prime candidates for cleaning industry apprenticeships. I know how difficult it is to persuade young people that there's a good career to be had in cleaning & facilities management, but if we can harness this lot's enthusiasm in some way, we could be onto a winner.

Also onto a winner (or so I would have thought) are food businesses able to display a 5* food hygiene rating on their doors, but in figures released today, only 60% of British respondents to the latest Food Standards Agency survey, mentioned food hygiene as being important when choosing where to eat out. I really can't get my head around that one and am wondering, who exactly, was asked...

Good service was cited by 61%. It put me in mind of the Fawlty Towers episode involving the hygiene inspector. Perhaps the rat in the biscuit tin would perhaps be deemed OK by this survey's respondents because the inspector was served by three members of hotel staff, rather than just one.



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Jan Hobbs

25th April 2019

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