*Cleanzine-logo-10a.jpgCleanzine: your weekly cleaning and hygiene industry newsletter 25th July 2024 Issue no. 1124

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£1,500 fine highlights concerted effort to tackle fly-tipping culprits

* Fly-tippingfine.jpgCoventry Magistrates have fined a Coventry resident £1,437.35 after mattresses, paint tubs and several bags of household waste were found on Hollyfast Lane, Coventry. Among the dumped materials were a number of letters which linked the items to a Scott Miles.

Following the incident in October last year environmental crime officers wrote to Mr Miles but there was no reply. A formal interview under caution was arranged but Mr Miles did not attend or make contact regarding rearranging the appointment. A Notice was served on Mr Miles at under Section 108 (j) of the Environment Act 1995 on 15th November 2018.

Mr Miles failed to attend the interview on 27th November 2018 and did not make contact to re-arrange this appointment. The matter was heard before Coventry magistrates on 3rd April.

Mr Miles again failed to attend, and was sentenced to pay a fine of £660. Full costs of £711.35 and a victims' surcharge of £66 to be paid within 28 days.

Craig Hicken, head of the council's Environmental Services, said that despite numerous attempts to contact the resident he had been unwilling to engage.

He added: "This was a particularly good result. This is clearly an example were material has been dumped without any consideration for others. Ultimately it costs the tax payer because we need to investigate the matter and then arrange the removal of the rubbish. It's important that people know that action is being taken against those who fly tip - and against individuals who allow it to happen."

Fly-tipping is an offence and the fly-tipping of controlled waste is a serious criminal offence which carries a fine of up to £50,000 (unlimited if dealt with at Crown Court) or an offender may face a prison sentence.

"Anyone who witnesses fly-tipping should please report it.," added Craig. "Enforcement officers will, and do prosecute the offenders as long as they can gather evidence.


18th April 2019

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