*Cleanzine-logo-10a.jpgCleanzine: your weekly cleaning and hygiene industry newsletter 25th July 2024 Issue no. 1124

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Registration now open for EFCI's 2019 Conference

* Registration-EFCI.jpgThe European Cleaning & Facility Services Industry's 2019 Conference will take place on 28th June 2019 in Brussels under the title 'Cleaning and Facility Services: shaping the industry for the future'. Registration is now open and special early bird rates, providing a 20% discount, are available until 20th March.

Bookings are also being taken for the Conference Dinner, which will be held on the evening of 27th June at 20:00 at La Maison des Brasseurs, in Brussels' Grand Place.

The Conference will be a reflection point for the industry, to prepare for the challenges ahead without forgetting to look back on the successful history of the sector. In four different panels, speakers and delegates will analyse how the industry is innovating across its value chain, in social affairs and to further integrate the circular economy.

The draft program is as follows:

09.00 Welcome coffee 9.30 Welcome address, EFCI's President, Juan Di?ez de los Ri?os
09.40 Keynote address, epresentative of the European Commission - DG GROW
10.00 ROUNDTABLE 1: An Industry in evolution
- Evolution of the Industry in the past 30 years: EFCI's overview
- A forecast for the Industry: where will it be in 10 or 20 years?
10.45 ROUNDTABLE 2: An innovative value chain
- Innovation and digitalisation in major contractors and in SMEs: ready for the digital challenge.
- Suppliers and clients: where is their focus on innovation?
11.45 Coffee break
12.00 ROUNDTABLE 3: Innovating in a labour-intensive industry
- Social innovation and inclusion policies European Commission, DG EMPL
- Impact of digitalisation in the sector: social focus
- UNI-Europa: views on innovation and inclusion in the sector
- Social companies in the industry. [Q&A]
13.30 Networking Lunch
14.30 ROUNDTABLE 4: C for circular economy
- How can services contribute to the Circular Economy? Member of the European Parliament
- EU Ecolabel as a quality distinction: strategy by the Commission European Commission, DG ENV
- Cleaning and facility services: environmental impact
- Our companies' best practices [Q&A]
16.15 Closing remarks
The challenges ahead: EFCI's priorities for the next European legislative mandate. EFCI's representative
16.30 Farewell Coffee

The Conference will be conducted in English with interpretation into French and potentially other languages provided.

Established in 1988, the EFCI is the European voice of the cleaning and facility services industry. It brings together national professional organisations from 13 EU Member States. The EFCI represents one of the most important services industries in Europe, with 240.000 contractors employing over 3.6 million people.

The EFCI develops projects relevant for the sector and works on topics such as the recognition of the profession, responsible procurement, the promotion of services' quality and of vocational training. The EFCI is the recognised employer's organisation as European Social Partner by the European Commission.

For bookings and sponsorship opportunities:

E: [email protected]
W: www.efci.eu

21st February 2019

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