*Cleanzine-logo-10a.jpgCleanzine: your weekly cleaning and hygiene industry newsletter 25th July 2024 Issue no. 1124

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Walking for lives across the South Downs

* Walking-for-lives.jpgA Bio-Productions human resources manager from Sompting has raised over £1,100 for Cancer Research UK, having completed a Race for Life hike across the South Downs.

Sara Gibb, 55, began training in earnest when she entered the mammoth 26-mile event back in January. Just four months later though, she was having a hip replacement at the world-renowned Horder Centre near Crowborough. She was not deterred. The walk from Falmer to Eastbourne meant a lot to her - particularly as she had lost several close friends and family members to the disease.

"The operation did get in the way of my routine," she admits. "But I was determined to still enter, although I admit that I walked rather than hiked for some of the way."

Sara has worked for Burgess Hill-based Bio Productions since moving to Sussex from Cambridgeshire last year. Based on the Victoria Business Park, the company, which makes award-winning cleaning products for use around the world, has helped Sara to boost her sponsorship through initiatives such as a loose change pot in the company canteen and a Dress Down Friday where staff paid to come to work in casual clothing.

"Sara's enthusiasm and commitment to the event has been amazing," says Angela Gill, Bio-Productions' managing director. "We were all eager to support her determination to succeed and are very proud of her."

It was an early start though as Sara's departure slot was soon after sunrise, but her dedication to the cause and months of preparation and lifelong gym work ensured that she completed the course without mishap.


20th September 2018

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