*Cleanzine-logo-10a.jpgCleanzine: your weekly cleaning and hygiene industry newsletter 25th July 2024 Issue no. 1124

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It's long been recognised that an award (or few) under your belt is a great way of setting yourself apart from the competition and it's the same when it comes to cleaning - despite the role being awarded the title of 'Unsexiest Profession' in a recent survey (see more below)!

I'm delighted to see then that the Cleaning & Support Services Association has launched its CSSA Awards 2019 - which is now open for entries to anyone in the cleaning industry. You don't need to be a CSSA member to take part.

There's a choice of four categories (enter all four if you wish) and as these Awards are free to enter and there's a simple and quick entry process, it means that those without huge marketing budgets really do have as good a chance of winning in any category, as the 'big boys' have - as long as they're considered by the independent panel of judges, to be the best of course!

And as the Awards Ceremony is held at a presentation lunch - free to shortlisted candidates - on 20th March at the Cleaning Show 2019, in London's ExCel centre, there's no better way to show off to your peers and take advantage of the extra publicity that always surrounds this busy and vibrant show.

There are four categories: Contract Innovation, Training, Environmental & Sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility - so if you think you're a cut above the rest, find out more now, since entries must be submitted by 21st December. Download an entry form at: www.cssa-uk.co.uk/awards/

I can't believe the Cleaning Show (www.cleaningshow.co.uk) has almost come around again! I know that compared to the likes of Interclean it's tiny, but it is growing fast and it's always incredibly busy. And being on home ground, it tends to attract a lot of the industry stalwarts who I don't get to see very often as well as those whose budgets don't stretch to an overseas show, so it's something of a social event too. And that's not forgetting our friends from overseas who always visit!

Who says cleaning is 'unsexy'? We in the industry certainly don't think so! We just need to get the general public on board & make them see that it's one of the most important professions there is - and one that boasts an incredible camaraderie, as far as I'm concerned.

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* Jan-Mel-thumb.jpg

Jan Hobbs

27th September 2018

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