*Cleanzine-logo-10a.jpgCleanzine: your weekly cleaning and hygiene industry newsletter 25th July 2024 Issue no. 1124

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Cleanzine - the original Cleaning & Hygiene industry e-news

Read by industry professionals in 163 countries worldwide!


With Cleanzine going out to 163 countries, I'm well aware that you may be working in far higher temperatures than we've experienced across the UK in recent weeks and now across continental Europe too. Much as I love the sun, those of us who aren't used to such heat, can find it difficult to work to our usual standards.

I'm doing a sit-down job and the only travel involves deciding which part of the garden I fancy that day and moving my office to it. Sitting under trees enjoying hardly any breeze, I've wondered how on earth those who have to travel or do physical work, are managing to cope.

I read somewhere that very high temperatures - while not exactly frying the brain - damage its function to the extent that we find it hard to focus and simple functions create a real drain on our energy. I get that, having struggled myself to complete the last few weeks' e-zines to the standard I'd like. It's taken so long and I've felt exhausted at the end.

How do delivery drivers, salespeople, service engineers and multi-site cleaning teams or managers cope on the roads, for even with air conditioning, they keep having to emerge from a cold cab or car into baking sunshine, then back into a stiflingly hot vehicle when it's time to move on. They're luckier though than those who have to keep opening and closing windows.

Commuters haven't had it easy, either, with melting road surfaces and train tracks. And once in the workplace there's smelly, noisy air conditioning to cope with or excessive heat and sweaty colleagues, who may be grumpy because they're hot too. This weather makes us lethargic or even sleepy and bad-tempered, yet we still have our deadlines and I can imagine how easy it is for those with a tight schedule to cut corners and jeopardise their safety and that of others. We need to learn to think and behave differently at times like these, don't we?

I've really been feeling for the cleaners, who I know are under pressure to complete what can be quite strenuous work and the penalties for not achieving sufficiently high standards can be enormous, with the potential loss of contracts and with this the means to earn a living. Having to travel to work on broken roads and railway tracks, doesn't exactly help.

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* Jan-Mel-thumb.jpg

Jan Hobbs

9th August 2018

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