*Cleanzine-logo-10a.jpgCleanzine: your weekly cleaning and hygiene industry newsletter 25th July 2024 Issue no. 1124

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Kaivac introduces any time/anywhere personal trainer

* Kaivac-PT.jpgKaivac, developer of the No-Touch Cleaning and OmniFlex Crossover Cleaning systems, has announced the development of an entirely new technology: the KaiTutor - an 'any time/ anywhere' personal tutor that allows cleaning workers to access training information and 'best practice' techniques to improve their cleaning effectiveness.

The KaiTutor is an onboard training system that can be mounted on all of Kaivac's different cleaning machines. It provides a variety of videos that can be updated. It is designed to help cleaning workers excel at their cleaning tasks by delivering critical operational and educational information, when and wherever it's needed.

"We refer to this as 'just-in-time' skill building," says Tom Morrison, vice president of marketing at Kaivac. "It helps inexperienced workers learn different types of cleaning procedures and helps more experienced workers brush up on their skills."

Play-Pause-and-Practice is one of the most important features of the new KaiTutor. As the name implies, it allows users to learn how to perform a cleaning activity and then pause the machine, so they can then practice what they have just been shown.

"They can do this over and over again as long as needed," adds Tom. "It's customised training. No instructors are necessary, so users can learn at their own pace."

He adds that the idea behind the development of the technology was the result of numerous studies all indicating that people forget things they have just been taught, often in as little as 30 minutes.

"With this method of viewing a video coupled with hands-on practice, people grasp information quicker, more effectively, and they retain it longer, which is so vital in professional cleaning," he argues.

Along with training videos, KaiTutor also includes information on routine maintenance for different Kaivac equipment; troubleshooting and repair information; equipment overviews; as well as tips and trick, to help users perform their task more efficiently.

"Kaivac is known for many 'firsts' in the professional cleaning industry," says Tom. "I think this will add to our list of firsts and become one of the most important new technologies we have ever developed."

T: 513-887-4600
E: [email protected]
W: www.kaivac.com

12th July 2018

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