*Cleanzine-logo-10a.jpgCleanzine: your weekly cleaning and hygiene industry newsletter 25th July 2024 Issue no. 1124

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Brightwell Dispensers has moved its headquarters to new premises

* Brightwell-new-HQ.jpgBrightwell Dispensers, manufacturer of innovative soap, paper and chemical dispensing systems has moved.

The company's previous offices and production areas have served it well for many years. However, with increasing demand for its dispensing equipment and its growth and expansion plans, the time had come for a change.

Brightwell Dispensers' new state-of-the-art headquarters accommodates the growing company and its future plans. The benefits of the new building include bigger production facilities for the dispensers and electronics equipment. This, coupled with new design and development facilities, means that Brightwell Dispensers has some exciting product development plans in the pipeline.

The new premises also benefits from larger training and meeting rooms.

Matthew Dwelly, general manager, comments: "We are very proud of what we have achieved so far and are looking forward to continuing to grow our business globally. This is an exciting time for Brightwell Dispensers.

"Our new facilities mean we can expand our products and services and we're planning some great developments."

The new address is:

Unit 1, Rich Industrial Estate
Avis Way, Newhaven
East Sussex, BN9 0DU.

T: +44 (0) 1273 513566
E: [email protected]

W: www.brightwell.co.uk

German office: T: +49 (0)6252 699 89 30 / E: [email protected]
US office: T: (+1) 913-956-4909 / E: [email protected]

19th October 2017

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