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Service integration transforms UK facility management market

* Service-integration.jpgTechnology innovation, new business models, emerging value propositions, and creative new service offerings are transforming facilities management in the UK. The market is moving toward service integration with sophisticated advisory services focused on business productivity; however, FM services are commoditising and organic growth is hard to find.

Companies must embrace service innovation and innovative value propositions built around enhancing business productivity if they are to remain profitable in a rapidly evolving ecosystem.

'Growth Opportunities in the UK Facility Management Market', part of Frost & Sullivan's Homes & Buildings Growth Partnership Service programme, finds that the UK outsourcing FM industry will pass $40 billion in total revenue within the next five years. In the next eight years, integrated facility management (IFM) penetration is expected to reach 27.3% - the highest in any country in the world. The study includes growth forecasts, comprehensive market metrics, competitive analysis, service trends, customer sector trends, and mapping of the most attractive opportunities.

"The pace of change in the UK FM services market is faster than suppliers have ever experienced," says energy & environment partner and business unit leader John Raspin.

"Collaboration, partnerships, and mergers & acquisitions are critical as the market is disrupted by technology.

"To drive efficiency and deliver value-adding services in a mature, highly penetrated market, suppliers must harness advanced technologies, adopt business models such as everything-as-a-service (XaaS), and enter accessible high-growth segments such as energy management, performance contracting, and sustainability management."

Trends and developments driving growth in the UK FM market include:

* High levels of merger & acquisition activity driven by service expansion, vertical customer alignment, globalisation, technology addition, and overall expansion of the value proposition;

* Self-delivery firms increasing bundled services and IFM;

* Energy management services growth that is set to outstrip the overall FM market, with energy performance shrinking the key growth business model;

* Data analytics transforming client delivery models and creating value-adding insights for customers and suppliers;

* Growth opportunities in service innovation due to the convergence of FM with technology and workplace optimisation;

* Private-sector growth that is ahead of the public sector, especially in commercial offices, the financial sector, and industry/manufacturing; and

* Technology-centric Mega Trends that are set to transform FM services in the UK in terms of both service delivery options and customer behaviour. Examples include Industrial Internet of Things, artificial intelligence, augmented reality, and intelligent robots.

"Connectivity and convergence mean cloud-hosted analytics will increasingly drive remote management for technical services and preventative maintenance," notes John Raspin. "To gain a competitive advantage, FM companies must adopt or develop technologies such as service drones and intelligent robots, while also facing competition from technology firms and original equipment manufacturers."


8th June 2017

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