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Britain seeks increased collaboration with Singapore to save lives at work

* Mike-Robinson.jpgTomorrow, Mike Robinson, chief executive of the British Safety Council, will begin his tour of the Far East, starting in Singapore.

He will meet business leaders, and health & safety professionals from the Singapore Ministry of Manpower, the British Chamber of Commerce and the Workplace Safety & Health Council.

The British Safety Council, a charity, campaigning body and membership organisation that was founded 60 years ago, has a vision that no one should be injured or made ill at work. It has been working with businesses in the Far East, including Singapore, to improve health, safety and environmental management for the benefit of workers.

Singapore's National Strategy for Workplace Safety & Health 2018 is setting the agenda. Endorsed by the Ministry of Manpower, the Singapore National Employers Federation and the National Trades Union Congress, the strategy aims to deliver one of the best health & safety records in the world.

"Singapore has made impressive progress in improving occupational health & safety, as demonstrated by the reduced number of fatal injuries at work," says Mike Robinson.

"Over the last decade, its health & safety industry has done a lot of work with employers to gain their commitment to improving workplace conditions. I'm delighted that Singapore is in a good position to achieve its impressive goal of bringing the fatality rate to less than 1.8 per 100,000 workers by 2018."

In Singapore, Mike will discuss with his industry counterparts various aspects of future cooperation, such as professional education and training, of which the British Safety Council is one of the leading providers. He will also explore the benefits of audit and consultancy for the management of operational risks and the continuous improvement of health and safety standards.

Mike will also speak at the 8th International Forum on Work & Safety, taking place in Beijing, on the 27th -29th September 2016, where he will present the business case for managing health and safety and explore the nature of leadership in the industry.


22nd September 2016

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