*Cleanzine-logo-10a.jpgCleanzine: your weekly cleaning and hygiene industry newsletter 25th July 2024 Issue no. 1124

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ISSA/INTERCLEAN Istanbul postponed

RAI Amsterdam, ISSA, the worldwide cleaning industry association, and their local partner UBM, announce that the ISSA/INTERCLEAN Istanbul exhibition, originally scheduled for 7-9 September 2016, has been moved to 18-20 October, 2017. After careful deliberation the organisation has made the decision to postpone the event, citing the rising concerns from exhibitors and visitors regarding travel in and out of the country as the chief motive.

More in tomorrow's issue. 


A recent headline - 'Rhyl restaurant to reopen after closing following hygiene inspection' - got me thinking...

If you discover that a restaurant or takeaway you use has been closed by the local authority because of hygiene concerns, would you ever use it again

OK, if it’s been reopened it has clearly now ‘passed muster’, having been thoroughly reinspected by officials, but is that enough to convince you that everything’s going to be ok in the future?

Yes, it may now be the cleanest and most hygienic restaurant in town, but how long will that last? After all, if a premises has been allowed to get into such as state that its food is deemed to be potentially unsafe to eat, doesn’t that say something about the management and/or people who work there? Either they’re ‘houseproud’ or they’re not! Do people change and would any change be permanent? Or would errant restaurateurs who are once again back in business, think that the inspectors won’t return for a while so it’s ok to let things lapse?

I visited a large restaurant recently whose pub chain management had been hauled before the magistrates a decade ago for serious hygiene offences. I had written about it at the time in Cleanzine, but it was so long ago that I felt all would now be well.

Despite being very busy, the restaurant appeared to be clean enough (although I didn’t look at the kitchens) but it was when I stood at the bar to order drinks, that I realised my feet were sticking to the floor. From my time years ago working part-time in pubs and as a waitress, I knew that this was because of spilt alcohol – but of course it may have been fairly fresh and thus not of too much concern.

Before ordering food though, I went to the one place that I knew would help me decide whether we were going to eat in the establishment or finish our drinks and go – the washroom.

It looked a little grubby so I looked in a cubicle. The door appeared filthy so I licked my finger and with it was able to create a visible trail through the grime.

Do hygiene offenders change? Well this establishment may have improved its kitchens and restaurant area but if it can’t look after its washrooms I’m not going to try its food! 

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Jan Hobbs

28th July 2016

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