*Cleanzine-logo-10a.jpgCleanzine: your weekly cleaning and hygiene industry newsletter 25th July 2024 Issue no. 1124

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Kennedy Hygiene extension will increase efficiency and help protect Uckfield jobs

* Kennedy-Hygiene-site.jpgA report in the Uckfield News describes how Kennedy Hygiene Products is seeking to build a new warehouse at its site on the Bellbrook Business Park, Uckfield, East Sussex, which will improve efficiency and help to protect local jobs.

The manufacturer has lodged the application for its premises at Brookside with Wealden District Council and its statement says that the 600sq.m warehouse is planned for vacant land adjacent to the company's premises.

"For almost a decade, Kennedy Hygiene has been desirous of extending the warehouse facilities but the high cost of construction has made this prohibitive," it says.

As a result, the company has outsourced a significant amount of warehousing leading to inefficiencies, increased transport costs and increased carbon emissions. The parent company has now sanctioned the investment in a new warehouse which will increase efficiency and control over the operation, lower costs and reduce the company's carbon footprint.

The scheme will not increase the number of staff needed, but it will help secure existing jobs.

The statement says that the proposal will sustain the business in the long term, underwrite employment and allow the business to respond to current and future product demand.

More importantly, it says, it will avoid the possibility of having to relocate to larger premises which may not be available in Uckfield with either the loss of employment locally or creating increased traffic closer to the Ashdown Forest.
Uckfield Town Council plans committee agreed during Monday's meeting to support the application.

Committee chairman, Cllr James Anderson, Trust Independent, Uckfield North, welcomed the application from Kennedy Hygiene, saying:

"I am really encouraged to see this application and the faith the company has in Uckfield. "It may not be creating any new jobs but it gives security for the current employees."


26th May 2016

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