*Cleanzine-logo-7a.jpgCleanzine: your weekly cleaning and hygiene industry newsletter 2nd May 2024 Issue no. 1112

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Centrego: Stand C80

* Toucan.jpgCentrego will be launching two new versions of the Toucan-Eco that wowed visitors to the last Cleaning Show in 2011 and which has been impressing the cleaning world ever since. As well as the new Toucan Mini, Centrego is introducing the Toucan Eco II which has been created following increased customer demand for a jug-only device that can be used with conventional trigger sprays or with dedicated Toucan Eco spray bottles. The directors of Centrego are demonstrating the new model along with the award-winning Toucan Eco and the new Mini device.

For those who aren't familiar with the technology, the Toucan system offers many benefits over conventional products:

- The activated fluid is less expensive to produce than chemicals - using ordinary tap water, a small amount of salt and a minute amount of electricity
- The fluid is effective and stable and can be used in a normal trigger spray, as well as the spray provided, saving on the cost of multiple devices
- There are savings on delivery and storage costs
- There is no cost of disposal of packaging
- The fluid is made fresh on the spot
- It is safe to use around people and animals
- It replaces a number of expensive products
- Training costs are reduced and Health & Safety requirements are minimal

... And it cleans and disinfects brilliantly!

The system contains a special cell in the spray and jug which uses electrochemical activation (ECA) to convert the salt and water into an activated solution of mixed oxidants with disinfectant and detergent properties. The disinfectant is tested to EN 1276 and conforms to the European Biocides directive. You just pour tap water into the spray dispenser or jug, add two grams of salt, activate the solution on the base station for three minutes and the combined activated cleaner/disinfectant is ready to use. Why not visit the stand and try it for yourself?

T: 01373 812279
E: [email protected]
W: www.toucan-eco.com

19th March 2013

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